Thursday, September 17, 2009

How to cope with conflict!

So about five minutes ago I read a blog on how to handle conflict in relationships, it was short, brief perhaps, but it helps if you think about it. One line of it that I absolutely adored stated, "All life is a dance. Most people try to move around the dance floor without stepping on anyone else's toes, but sometimes crushed feet are simply unavoidable!" How i took that is, basically most people don't want to hurt others, but sometimes, to get what we want, we hurt them anyways. Now I know I'm only in high school, what do we know, "blah blah blah" but I have opinions too and dealing with relationships maturely is something high schoolers don't usually think about. I'm into the whole sitting down and talking out the best way to solve a conflict, and most just ignore it, or scream and argue. Now I, personally, think those methods will get you no where! Ignoring the problem, only makes it come back to haunt you in the end (its better to just deal with it). And arguing, really? What in the world is that going to solve? If both/all of you are screaming your points at one another, do you really think its going to sink into the other persons common sense? Doubtful. So take my advice and calmly talk things out, you'll go a lot further. Well, there you have my opinion, if you want to read the other blog, feel free to do so, its quite interesting.

Until next time,

Friday, September 4, 2009

Introducing My Community!

As part of Team Three I am excited to be blogging this year on the topic of co-existence
and you can call me Mw3. What I am introducing to you would be my social life! =) I have many problems that include my variety of friends, whether they be only the things I deem as a problem, internally, or what everyone else also sees as a conflict. All of these friends are within my school community, and some are ones that I have just recently met. This is basically an insight of all the drama that I usually don't like to include myself in, but if you have ever been a teenager you know how hard that is =) I have two really close friends, and all the others are basically just acquaintances. But because they aren't really close to me does not mean they Don't add drama to my life. I am extremely happy to be able to vent somewhere, and I hope you enjoy reading about my social conflicts.

Until next time,