Monday, December 7, 2009

How do people benefit from obeying/disobeying the laws?

There are many incidents that lead us to believe that some people just do not want to obey laws. However, there are also many times that people show good faith in the law. So, what do common people in todays society benefit from either obeying or disobeying laws?
Well, the people that refuse to obey laws believe they are unjust or stupid. They don't understand what the world would be like without the stated rules we are provided with. If there was no longer stoplights or stop signs, imagine how many people would be killed in car accidents. If the law of seat belts was never made think of how many children would be flying through window shields. Those who break the law never think of this. They believe rules were made to be broken, and these are the people who smash into other cars because they don't believe in the necessity of stop lights. There are two sides to every story, and their side of the story is seldom told because they are dying more often then not. I would say that people who do not obey laws hardly benefit at all. Sure, they have more freedom, but is having freedom worth the risk of dying? You would be amazed at how many people think it is. To prove this, look at the statistics of how many people died due to car accidents in 2001. 42,116 people died, and I'm betting at least half of those people died because they just don't care about laws. So next time you want to break the rules, think about things like that.
So, how do the people who obey benefit? Well, if you looked at the number of people who have died that obey due to car accidents, nine out of ten times it is because the other driver was disobedient. People who obey laws have a clean record, they get better jobs, and they live. I cannot find a downside to a life full of obedience. Some say there is no "thrill" in being obedient, but bungee jumping is a thrill AND it isn't against the law. There are many fun things you can do while obeying the law at the same time. Just think about everything I have said and answer the ultimate question: "Are you going to obey or disobey the law, starting now?"

Until next time,

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Primary Predators!

There are so many different types of animals, dogs, cats, rabbits, ect. But I'm not here to write about your house pets, I'm here to write about the wild ones! Have you ever wondered what animal is the most sought out by the others? Well, thats a question best answered in this blog. A primary predator is an animal that eats mostly other animals. An example of this would be a wild boar. The boar will eat almost anything it comes accross, like small reptiles, young deer, and even a lamb. This is one animal you wouldn't want to invite over for tea! Another, well known, predator would be the bear. Bears will eat any kind of plant, but will also eat any kind of meat. So if you catch your younger sibling talking to one, I suggest you teach them about imaginary friends! There is an animal.. it is sometimes commonly used to tease with a red cloth. Can you guess? Its a Rhino! This animal may be used to interact with humans, but don't think that means it isn't dangerous. Rhinos are big, strong, and unpredictable, this animal will charge anything without a second thought. I just saw a picture of this animal, it has a middle part and looks pretty divine. Kinda like chocolate. But chocolate is what you'll be you go fiddling in his territory. The cape buffalo is known to be quite dangerous, if this animal doesn't feel safe, your a goner. The last animal we will be discussing today is perhaps one of the largest. You wouldn't suspect an elephant to be a dangerous creature, but your in for a big surprise. Elephants are known to be caring and wise, but considering the average weight of 6 tons, this animal could crush you and it would only feel like a speed bump on its paws. Well, that is all for today. If you want to check out more dangerous predators, check out this very informative website.

Until next time,

Thursday, October 29, 2009

All about Taoism!

There are many different religions in the world, one of which is called Taoism. In this post I will be telling you all you need, or would want to know, about that particular religion.

The founder of this religion goes by the name of Lao-Tzu (picture on left). He introduced and explained the main Taoist concepts such as non doing, fu, and emptiness. Lao-Tzu applied the Taoist philosophy to humans as well. He also designed the behavior of political leaders and
princes. The religion was founded in China around 500 b.c.

Even though I do not fallow this religion there are 245 million people who do believe in Taoism. Only 20 million of which are actual Taoists, and 225 million of them are of the Chinese religion. But all are located mainly in China.

This religion only reads one holy book which is called the Daodejing, this book contains teachings of Lao-Tzu and translates as "The way of power".

Much like any other religion Taoism has a religious holiday. This holiday is called The Ghost Festival (picture on left). To honor this day, people who fallow Taoism put out offerings to please dead souls who are released from hell and walk on earth during this day.

To practice this religion there are many things you must do to worship. First, you must meditate. Meditation is a self-directed practice used to relax the body and calm the mind. By meditating you are freeing your mind from harm and bad thoughts, which is required by this religion. Also, you must chant. This is the rhythmic
speaking or singing of words. People often chant to worship or to pray to their gods. Physical exercise is a great way to keep your body coordinated and your spirits high. Exercise is also promoted in this way of life. They also promote the use of natural medicines which are used to detoxify and clear the body of harm. Lastly, they believe in the concept of the yin and yang (picture below on the right). The yin and yang means good and evil and is known as the Taoist symbol. They believe it represents looking in the mirror and seeing that dark side of yourself, and they believe if you can see that side, you can change it.
In china the Taoists don't have a certain dress code. Since Taoism is a way of universal life, they cultivate with the mind and not the body. Based on that, their clothing brings nothing to the way they express their ideas and free their minds.

Organization in this case means class. Who is on top and who is below them? Well, I'll tell you. In this religions social class the abbot dominates. An abbot is the spiritual and administrative leader of the Taoists. Prior to the abbot is the key manager. The key manager,which is assisted by an overseer and several scribes, who is in charge of the people who are willing to obey orders. Next is the provost, his duty is to be the main administrator. Fallowing him would be the meditation master who is in charge of spiritual practices.

Goodbye (=
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog about Taoism, if you are interested in reading more about this religion try out this link, it is very resourceful.

Until next time,

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why do people spread rumors?

So I was reviewing everything I have written up to this point and i decided to elaborate. One conflict that popped into my head is why DO people start rumors? In my opinion I think there are two reasons. One, is so that they can have something to talk about with other people. For example, you know when someone walks up to you and tries to start a conversation? I mean you respond, but after awhile your just kind of standing there in awkward silence. So you rack your brain to come up with a subject, and quick. The first thing that pops into your head is this rumor one of your friends told you. So before long you find yourself babbling out the whole story and without a second thought you are a contributor to a rumor. The second reason is to make you seem like a better person. If I went up to you and started talking to you about how you totally lied to your parents about where you were going, and actually went to a party, what would you do? Im not saying you would do this but most people would say "Yeah well did you hear what Kaitlyn last weekend?" Then you tell the whole story and BAM your problem suddenly seems rational. Even though these are not the most effective ways to solve a conflict, people find that they build themselves up by putting others down. To solve this common problem in our society I suggest "When in doubt, tell the truth." If someone like the person my second example came up to you and verbally attacked you about what you did this weekend, just simply respond "Yes I did all that, I'm sorry you don't approve, but it is nothing I am proud of either." You will get much better responses from people, because everybody understands that sometimes you just make mistakes. And it doesn't involve sharing someone else's mistakes, because you never know, they might regret their mistakes as well. Also, if your just standing there awkwardly, because you have nothing else to say, just simply tell them that you are drawing a blank and are tired of standing here awkwardly. It will most likely make them laugh, and before you know it you will be chatting it up about the most random things, that also don't involve putting others down. There, now you have the question AND the answer =)

Until next time,

Thursday, September 17, 2009

How to cope with conflict!

So about five minutes ago I read a blog on how to handle conflict in relationships, it was short, brief perhaps, but it helps if you think about it. One line of it that I absolutely adored stated, "All life is a dance. Most people try to move around the dance floor without stepping on anyone else's toes, but sometimes crushed feet are simply unavoidable!" How i took that is, basically most people don't want to hurt others, but sometimes, to get what we want, we hurt them anyways. Now I know I'm only in high school, what do we know, "blah blah blah" but I have opinions too and dealing with relationships maturely is something high schoolers don't usually think about. I'm into the whole sitting down and talking out the best way to solve a conflict, and most just ignore it, or scream and argue. Now I, personally, think those methods will get you no where! Ignoring the problem, only makes it come back to haunt you in the end (its better to just deal with it). And arguing, really? What in the world is that going to solve? If both/all of you are screaming your points at one another, do you really think its going to sink into the other persons common sense? Doubtful. So take my advice and calmly talk things out, you'll go a lot further. Well, there you have my opinion, if you want to read the other blog, feel free to do so, its quite interesting.

Until next time,

Friday, September 4, 2009

Introducing My Community!

As part of Team Three I am excited to be blogging this year on the topic of co-existence
and you can call me Mw3. What I am introducing to you would be my social life! =) I have many problems that include my variety of friends, whether they be only the things I deem as a problem, internally, or what everyone else also sees as a conflict. All of these friends are within my school community, and some are ones that I have just recently met. This is basically an insight of all the drama that I usually don't like to include myself in, but if you have ever been a teenager you know how hard that is =) I have two really close friends, and all the others are basically just acquaintances. But because they aren't really close to me does not mean they Don't add drama to my life. I am extremely happy to be able to vent somewhere, and I hope you enjoy reading about my social conflicts.

Until next time,