Friday, May 21, 2010

The Recap Of My Year At MHS!

My freshman year at Moline Senior High School has been remarkable! It seems like this year has flown by so fast, and I find myself asking "Where did the time go?" At the beginning of the year I remember being that scared little freshman who had to ask to find all of her classes. Now I can honestly say that this school isn't so big and scary after all! The teachers are wonderful when it comes to helping students understand the concepts, and the students are friendly. I would have to say that my most cherished moments this year were with my friends. My two best friends have been there through it all and without them I wouldn't have survived. The drama that went on I wish I could have avoided, but everyone goes through rough patches in life. There are memories within these walls that I hope I never forget. For example, running through the cafeteria with my bestie, taking the attendance down all the time, personally getting to know my teachers, bringing my bag to school and staying the night at a friends, coming late to a choir concert and still pulling it off, signing year books, share joys, and many more! I will never loose these times that the school allows me to have and I am so happy that I got to spend my freshman year at Moline High School. Relationships were kind of hard and people judge easily, but even those times I cherish. If it weren't for the people who told me I couldn't do it, I wouldn't have been able to. MHS has been quite an experience, and I hope next year is just as enjoyable! Have a great summer everyone!

Until next time,

Friday, March 26, 2010

Animal Farm

Animal Farm was an exciting book full of twists and mysteries. If you are going to read the book I recommend buying the tape to hear the voices of the different animals. You can go to this link that I provided you with to buy it online. If you plan on reading the book I'm not going to tell you all about it, but I will give you a brief over view. The book represents the events of World War 1 and each character stands for a person in history. If you're not familiar with the events in the war you will still understand the story, but learning about the war might help you connect and relate to the story. Animal Farm is about animals who believe in a revolution against humans; therefore, they try to over throw their leader. The main plot behind the story is based on the idea of communism, which means abolishing private ownership. In this book the animals invented an animalistic version of this idea called animalism. Their plan was to get all the animals to revolt against the owner of Manor Farm. I will not tell you if they succeed in doing so, you'll have to read the book to hear the outcome. I will assure you that this book is worth the time and effort. I hope you enjoy!

Until next time,

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The inspiration of a man

Today I sat through the most influential speech by a motivational speaker named Eddie Slowikowski. This man is one of the biggest influences I have known in my life time. He spoke of the past, the present, and most importantly our future. What touched me is that this person, who doesn't even really know us, is so enthusiastic about our future and what we can be. How much of a heart does it take to care for about 540 freshman who mean nothing to you? He made me want to be someone that cares unconditionally about everyone and he motivated me to get out and make a difference. Eddie asked us to close our eyes and imagine one person who was in pain and needs help. After we pictured this person in our mind he asked us to see ourselves doing something to help that person. I thought of my father. He has done so many terrible things to affect my future, and I would like to forgive him. I saw myself running to him and hugging him, while telling this man that I forgive him for everything he has ever done to hurt me. This would be the hardest thing I could ever do, and yet he made me believe that I could. So I would like to provide you with the message that he has left boggling my mind: Our pain is what causes us to be who we are, we are magnificent, capable of being anyone we desire, and our dreams are up to us. Who would have ever thought that one person could make such a difference.. He made me want to be that person who helps the world realize who they are. So my advice for you is not be afraid! Get out there and show the world what your made of! And while your at it, check out Eddie's website. It might move you in ways that you didn't know you could feel.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How does Animal Farm connect to my life?

The book Animal Farm relates to me in a specific way. Even though it is about animals that believe they are being mistreated by the farm owner, I still find myself connecting. The animals say that their life is dominated by Mr. Jones, and the pig, named Old Major, believes he can change the way they think about their life style. I relate to the pig in many different ways, which draws me into the story. Like Old Major, I wish to change the way that people think about their self worth and what they deserve. Many people find that they are putting themselves down and caring less about how they feel, which is not okay with me. The pig tells the animals this dream he has about a perfect world, known as Utopia. I also have a vision of everyone believing in themselves, but I know that it is just a wish that will never come true. Until people want the violence to stop and long for harmony between every individual, there will be no Utopia. This book will make you realize just how much you have been used or mistreated, and to be honest it makes you angry. You wonder why you deserve this and how you can change it. By listening to Old Major speak I think of all the ways I want this world to be different and all the ways that it will never be. There is too much cruelty in the hearts of man to change what has always been, and this book makes you realize that. All the animals talk about humans in a way that we are too foolish to understand on our own. We have been selfish, and we have let ourselves get so caught up in our own lives that everyone else just seizes to matter. I have a vision, like Old Major, that we will own up to the way we treat OURSELVES. That is the difference, on the farm the animals are being mistreated, but in our life we are mistreating ourselves. Everyone needs to realize that we deserve better, and when you do maybe it will become clear that we can change this life. If we really try.

Until next time,

Monday, February 22, 2010

Who Or What Holds Power In My Life?

Do you ever just sit there and imagine what your life would be like 20 years from now? Do you ever wonder if the choices you make control the outcome of this picture? This idea is the only thing that I let hold power over me, and sometimes people say it's not such a good thing. The fact that every wrong or right move I make is what determines my life's outcome scares me to death. I always ponder my decisions before I make them, wondering whether or not the result of this choice would benefit me in any way. Its like this.. "Picture yourself walking along a straight path cut into a long field of grass, you come to a section of the path that has two decisions: right or left. You don't know this, but if you go right you will fall off a cliff 50 feet up, and if you go left you will find your home and your future will turn out exactly how you want it to." The choice is all yours, so you find yourself going right, headed straight for the cliff. Since you went right you will never know what your life could have been like if you would have gone left. Scary, huh? I think of my options like that, and sometimes I go the wrong way. I think that every mistake I make is another step towards the cliff, and sooner or later it will be too late to turn around. I hear all the time that I live too much in the future, but it's hard not to when it is the outcome of everything I will ever work for.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Why Do Girls Suffer From Eating Disorders?

Why Do Girls Suffer From Eating Disorders?

Envision yourself standing next to one of your best friends, she looks at you and tells you she doesn't feel like she fits in. You don't believe this for a second, but you still ask her what she does to prevent this feeling. So she pulls you off to a corner and tells you that she is bulimic. You are shocked, what does this even mean for her heath? She says that she throws up to stop weight gain, because to her gaining weight makes you "uncool." There are many possible reasons for girls to do things such as this. Perhaps it is because of peer pressure, or even heredity. Both of these are valid reasons, but I believe it is mainly due to the lack of fitting in. Today's society promotes being skinny, so most girls believe they have to be. This causes most disorders.

Peer pressure and heredity are understandable reasons for girls to be bulimic. Peer pressure could be possible because of the influence friends have on girls today. If your friend is bulimic, then you might feel like you owe it to her to follow in the same footsteps. If you are someone like this, I suggest you try to disconnect yourself from that area of their life. Females are supposed to keep their friends away from things like that, not join them. Heredity is another possible cause that could lead girls to develop an eating disorder. Some might know their parents are overweight and are trying to keep themselves from being obese as well. But your genes may not work the way you think they do. In conclusion, you might cause something that is unnecessary and fatal to your health. Both of these I could see being possible reasons; however, the main reason is due to a lack of fitting in.

Teenage women usually try to follow the rules of what's "in" and what is "out" that society provides us with. In the last decade being skinny was in, and being obese was made fun of. The average teen might find themselves throwing up their last meal just to avoid the horrors of being in the "out" group. After they repeat this process continuously, their stomachs just won't accept food. They believe that if they don't eat, they won't get fat. So starvation eventually leads to a disorder they weren't exactly hoping for. Eating disorders are caused by a series of unhealthy eating habits. These habits damage the internal organs and, without proper treatment, can ultimately lead to death. By hearing that startling fact you can understand how serious eating disorders really are. Also, most girls that suffer from this issue might suffer from other things as well. Things such as low self-esteem and depression can effect the girls state of mind. If you are trying to recover from an unhealthy eating habit and are showing symptoms of either of those, I suggest you seek help for them as well.

There are many possible reasons for a girl to drive herself to bulimia, but only one that I feel is the overall reason. The lack of fitting in can eventually make a girl take any possible steps to reduce the teasing and name calling. If you are one of those who does not fit in, don't give up. There is hope for everyone in this world and you wouldn't want to possibly end your life because it's not perfect. In the future I hope to see everyone owning up to who they are and what they look like, and maybe then eating disorders won't be such a problem.

Monday, December 7, 2009

How do people benefit from obeying/disobeying the laws?

There are many incidents that lead us to believe that some people just do not want to obey laws. However, there are also many times that people show good faith in the law. So, what do common people in todays society benefit from either obeying or disobeying laws?
Well, the people that refuse to obey laws believe they are unjust or stupid. They don't understand what the world would be like without the stated rules we are provided with. If there was no longer stoplights or stop signs, imagine how many people would be killed in car accidents. If the law of seat belts was never made think of how many children would be flying through window shields. Those who break the law never think of this. They believe rules were made to be broken, and these are the people who smash into other cars because they don't believe in the necessity of stop lights. There are two sides to every story, and their side of the story is seldom told because they are dying more often then not. I would say that people who do not obey laws hardly benefit at all. Sure, they have more freedom, but is having freedom worth the risk of dying? You would be amazed at how many people think it is. To prove this, look at the statistics of how many people died due to car accidents in 2001. 42,116 people died, and I'm betting at least half of those people died because they just don't care about laws. So next time you want to break the rules, think about things like that.
So, how do the people who obey benefit? Well, if you looked at the number of people who have died that obey due to car accidents, nine out of ten times it is because the other driver was disobedient. People who obey laws have a clean record, they get better jobs, and they live. I cannot find a downside to a life full of obedience. Some say there is no "thrill" in being obedient, but bungee jumping is a thrill AND it isn't against the law. There are many fun things you can do while obeying the law at the same time. Just think about everything I have said and answer the ultimate question: "Are you going to obey or disobey the law, starting now?"

Until next time,